Sempai Kohai obedience A special relationship
Understanding enlightenment is too complex to explain here.
But you should understand the terms Satarie and Kensho this refer
between differences in enlightenment between a teacher and a
Understanding Sempai and Kohai and why its a special relationship
The training of practitioners is what would be expected for a social
institution modeled, like almost all others in Japan from the family to
the nation, on the patrilineal kin group and descended from feudal
Japan. A social hierarchy extends from the Grand Master Rikyu, other
ancestors, the current Grand Master and his wife, his son who is the
heir next in line and his family, other biological family members, the
highest ranking teachers (gyotei), mizuya sensei (those in day-and-
night service and training to become gyotei), other teachers in rank
by seniority, and students likewise ranked.
Sempai/kohai or senior/junior relationships are an integral part of
the structure. After just one day, one becomes sempai to others, and
one remains kohai to others for life. Sempai are responsible to their
sempai in turn for their kohai.
Obedience without argument or questioning and correction, accepted
without excuses, are expected. The most proper response seems to
be ‘hai!’ ("yes"). Ideally relationships are characterized by respect
for the teacher or sempai and benevolence and guidance for the
student or kohai. Many aisatsu (formal greetings, bows, waiting on
one’s knees and knuckles) imply the proper respect.
Training tends to be in the tradition of rigorous Zen discipline, with
no complaints about strenuous hours on ones knees nor about
preparations (toban) like sawing charcoal, wiping tatami mats on
hands and knees, and cleaning the garden or toilets.
These are privileges of service and opportunities for spiritual
development, especially death to and transcendence of the self.
Meditation traditions the courtesy and Koan's used in Zen Meditation
are listed her for Meditation , they are provided by Master Hughes
Roshi of the National Meditation center for World Peace , Danoshen
Ryu Buddhist temple. It does not matter if you are wanting to study
meditation for health reasons or as a "Way of Life" you will find that
knowing traditional courtesy and methods will greatly add to your